Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 33 Weeks! 7 more weeks to go...if
I make it all the way to 40 weeks!!
Size of baby: over 17 inches long and weighs over 4 lbs
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Don't worry I'm gaining enough:)
Maternity Clothes: I'm wearing all maternity clothes now
Gender: It's a GIRL!! Caroline Grace Cheney!!
Movement: She's moving mostly at night and after I eat. I also
feel her hiccups all the time.
Sleep: I have good nights and bad nights
What I miss: wearing normal clothes
Cravings: cereal, peaches, and snickers:)
Symptoms: Leg cramps, lots of braxton hicks, heartburn and
feeling very sluggish. I'm sure my husband would say that I'm slightly hormonal as well:)

You get more beautiful every week! I know you are ready and I am too! I can't wait to snuggle that baby girl and get all her kisses! I love you and keep hanging in there!