I'm 18 weeks!!

Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 18 Weeks
Size of baby: Our little girl is the size of a bell pepper:)
Total Weight Gain/Loss: 2 lbs
Maternity Clothes: Right now I feel much more comfortable in maternity clothes. I'm still wearing lots of dresses on the weekends and mostly workout clothes during the week.
Gender: A healthy baby GIRL!! Caroline Grace Cheney!!
Movement: I'm feeling lots of flutters at night when I can finally be still. Jeremy still can't feel the little kicks
Sleep: Sleeping great:)
What I miss: Caffeine! I know this is weird but I really miss all the workout classes I did at the gym. I can still do the spin class, which I love. I'm also doing the elliptical and walking on the treadmill a lot. I'm trying to to better this pregnancy with working out:)
Cravings: I can't say one thing specific....it changes daily. I just like everything...which can be a serious problem:)
Symptoms: Lately, I've just been having headaches which I read is because of hormone changes...all worth it though:)
I love you and am so thankful for you. Beautiful.
ReplyDeleteYou are so pretty and I am so excited about sweet Caroline Grace!!! I had a wonderful time this weekend and enjoyed keeping Graham. Love you