I want you to know that I love you with all my heart!!! I am so proud that you are my little boy! You are the sweetest big brother to Caroline. You love to make her smile and when she cries you say "don't worry baby Caroline...I'll be right there..don't cry!" Sweet!
You are the smartest little thing and very inquisitive! I really believe you are your daddy made over:)You ask TONS of questions about everything! You have a very strong will which is a good thing. I pray everyday you will use that strong will of yours for the Lord one day:) The Lord has BIG plans for you!
You love superheros! You told me yesterday you wanted to be superman when you grow up so you can fly in the sky:)
You are also the funniest little boy I know. You make your Daddy and I laugh everyday with the things you do and say!
You are loved by so many, mostly by a REAL superhero named JESUS!
I am blessed to call you my son!
I love you,

He is his daddy made over! Knows everything and wants someone playing with him all the time! Sweet letter. You re a wonderful mother. I am so proud of you and your desire to raise your children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. He will bless you and answer your prayers. I love all of you so very much!