At 18 months Graham weighs 24 lbs 11 oz and is 32 1/4 inches long. He's wearing 18-24 month clothes and a size 4 diaper.
He sleeps about 12 hours a night and only wakes up if he's teething. He has 10 teeth now :) I never thought he would have teeth...nor hair. However, his hair is finally coming in and it's blonde and curly :) I just love it!
We had is check-up today and they said he should be saying about 7-20 words. I was counting today and I just stopped at 40. He really does talk a lot and will repeat most of everything you say. He loves books...we probably read 20 or more a day. He can point to all the pictures and he can also point to all his body parts.
He knows the color blue, numbers 1-3 and already knows the letters O, Y, and A. Why those...I have know idea. I just try to talk about the colors, letters, and numbers a lot and I guess he just picked up on it. I love seeing him learn :) Just the teacher in me I guess.
His most favorite things to do are play outside and take a bath. He's learning to brush his teeth and feed himself with a spoon. It seems he learns something new everyday.
Graham is so smart, sweet and has the funniest personality. However, during the past few months we have really started to discipline him a lot more. About a month ago we started time-out. He has really gotten better about not touching things he shouldn't. He also knows the word "spank" ....so if I use that word or put it into action.....he knows I mean business. :)
First time in time-out......
So tonight he stepped on one on his toys and hurt his foot. So he picked it up and threw it in time-out. He kept telling it "NO, NO!!" ....
It really was funny to see :)
I love you so much Jonathan Graham!!! I love staying home with you. Though hard at times, it's the BEST job in the world!! I will always treasure the time we've had together! I love you with all my heart!! Happy 18 months!!!!!