Life has been somewhat crazy for us because our washing machine flooded our house last week. My house is in such a mess and I can't stand it. I know it could be worse though. So we went and stayed at our Grandparent's house while fans dried out our house. Got home, had a tornado the next day (no damage to our house), lost electricity, and packed up again to stay at out Grandparents. So now we are home again and I still managed to have Halloween at my house tonight. We dressed Graham up as a scarecrow and he was absolutely precious. My nephew, Jacob, came over and we all went trick-or-treating. We had fun.
So Graham is 8 months old! WOW!
(I didn't take his 8 month picture in his bed this month b/c we weren't home)
So what are you up to these days???
- You're wearing a size 3 diaper
- You're in 9 month clothing
- You weigh almost 19 lbs
- You're eating 3 times a day now. You've also started a few finger foods... graduate puffs are your favorite
- STILL NO TEETH...but the Doctor says that's good b/c your teeth will be strong
- You take two naps a day
- You've been on your first plane ride
-You are so curious about everything
- You love to be around crowds of people
- You love to bounce..whether it's in your jumperoo or in our laps
- You love to laugh :)