I changed my font at thecutestblogontheblock.com

Saturday, August 22, 2009


Well, Graham is known to give us a certain look before he gets upset. I finally got a picture of it tonight. It is so funny. So here it is.......

Are you ready.............

And here he was 2 minutes later.........:)

He has such a personality! Graham and a I stayed the night at his Gigi's house last night and he was so much fun. We went and ate Italian and shopped for the rest of the evening. He just laughed and played with his Gigi and I all night . Jeremy and his Dad have been at the deer lease this weekend setting up their deer stands. So it was fun to have a girl's (and Graham) night. We were saying it won't be long until all Graham wants to do is "guy stuff" with his Daddy, PawPaw, and Uncle Josh. Graham will be huntin with them before I know it. So I guess I better enjoy my time with Graham while I have it.

Graham has his 6 month pictures next weekend. He is trying so hard to sit up and he actually stays up for a little bit. So we're going to have a "sitting up boot camp" this week. I really want him sitting up for his pictures next weekend. Can't wait to post those pictures :)

Here he was trying to sit up tonight :)

Just love him!!!!


  1. Precious!!!!! Oh how he looks like his daddy. Had such a great time with you both. Miss him already!

  2. Laura! He is precious and looks so much like Jeremy!
