I'm just a little late getting this up. Having 2 kids now and wanting to spend any extra time I have with Jeremy doesn't leave me much time to blog. Oh well-at least I'm getting it done:)
Caroline Grace is 5 months old and I really wish time would slow down. I love this baby stage and want to treasure every minute!
Caroline, here's what you've been up to..
- You weigh about 15
- You are in a size 2
- You wear 6 months clothes
- Your eyes are
- Some days you sleep really well and others you take a few (very short) naps. You are sleeping through the night
- You LOVE to stand up and
sit up in our laps. You really don't like to lay down on your back. You like tummy time and playing with your toys. Graham loves to bring you toys.
- You are working on sitting up but you're not quite there
- Lately, you love to blow bubbles...even at 5:30am
- You are grabbing everything
- You have just a little
bit of hair...I'm pretty sure you will have a head full of brown hair
- No teeth yet, but you are
CONSTANTLY chewing on your hands or anything else you can get in your mouth
- You love your brother and you smile so big at him
I love comparing pictures of G and C! Do you think they look alike....???
Caroline, we love you so much!!!